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Overcoming Ego in Art-making

"First Day of School"

10" x 8" Photography and mixed media on canvas

I am learning every day.

I let go of results, while circling back the Compassion that I would want the world to give me by expecting the best from it in return...echoing my own openness.

I do my art lovingly, with compassion towards myself.

I work hard and find inspiration everywhere, in the smallest of moments.

I take risks, braving my wild, left-hand turns!

I open up to receive highest-purpose transmissions of guidance.

I listen to the songs of the Universe, which fuel my intuition.

I keep that tiniest of sparks of Faith alight, and never let it go out, no matter what happens.

I nurture and care for my own Heart.

I love myself.

I do what I feel is the right thing to do, at any time and in any place, always.

I make the art which fills me up.

I find unique ways to Share in the world, myself, my art, my Vision.

I give myself away with Love to the world, without expectation or regret.


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